Grammar Chick
Please use the form below to request a sample edit. I will reply to you within 48 hours and give you a turnaround timeframe for your sample edit and a secure email to send it to. If you have initial questions, please feel free to ask.
Free fiction editing sample and quote—After receiving a secure email from me, please submit the first 5 to 10 pages from the beginning of your manuscript (Word/DOC or RTF attachment preferred) along with 5-10 pages from a later chapter for a free editing sample. Be sure to include your name, your deadline, and any additional email address you may wish to use. If you have a short article you would like edited, please submit only the first page for a free editing sample and quote.
The size of your document—Please tell me the word count of your document and the number of pages (1.5 line spacing with 12-pt Arial or Times New Roman) in your document when you are requesting a quote.