Grammar Chick
I have a B.A. with an emphasis in English Literature and Creative Writing, studying under the amazing Ursula Hegi (Stones from the River), one of the first authors chosen for the Oprah Book of the Month Club. I also have a graduate certificate from the University of Washington in Technical Writing and Editing. I have a clear understanding of the different needs of fiction writing vs technical writing, and I will help you make your book the best that it can be.
Please refer to the following details for the fiction line editing (substantive copy editing) services I offer. After a free sample edit of your materials, I can give you a quote.

1. Misspellings;
2. Punctuation;
3. Common misuse;
4. Subject-verb agreement;
5. Verb tense;
6. Connotation vs. denotation (correct use of words);
7. Syntax (sentence structure).
I use the Chicago Manual of Style, Strunk & White Elements of Style, and the Merriam-Webster and the Oxford American English dictionaries along with other style guides. I follow American English literature rules, and I stay updated on new developments in the language. I carefully track the subtle differences between services as a Web editor and as a traditional print editor and accommodate both as much as possible.
Extensive Editing assists with the "big picture," such as logical outcomes, continuity, and consistency. It includes the Line Editing protocol.
I use MS Word 2010 with the tracking changes function. If you do not have MS Word or a compatible software program, I can send you an Adobe PDF; however, that will be more labor intensive for you to incorporate any changes.
I use Paypal invoicing to charge for my editing services—you need not be a member of Paypal to use this method and you have the option of different payment methods, including a credit card.
Words Line Edit Extensive Edit
1–1,000 $30.00 $40.00
1,001–2,000 $40.00 $50.00
2,001+ $.02 per wrd $.03 per wrd* **
* Manuscript is 1.5 line spaced in 12-pt Arial (or similar sized font)
**I offer discounts for projects over 75,000 words.
(Prices usually range between $900–$3000 per manuscript.)